Gatanga Water and Sanitation Company

Maji ni uhai

Call Head Office 0702710842

P.O. Box 6133-01000, Thika

To be a model peri-urban and rural water service provider in Kenya.

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Not to mention

Our Services

Discover the range of services we offer to ensure the accessibility and quality of water services in Gatanga and its environs. From water supply to wastewater management, we are committed to meeting the growing needs of our region.

And let's not forget

Investing in the Future

At Gatanga Water and Sanitation Company, we understand the importance of planning for the future. Learn how we are investing in the development and maintenance of our water, wastewater, and storm water systems to ensure a sustainable water supply for future generations.

water drop on bucket photo
water drop on bucket photo

First of all

About Us

Gatanga Water and Sanitation Company is a Water Service Provide (WSP) established under the Companies Act 2015 and Water Act 2016. It is a Public Limited Company fully owned by the County Government of Murang'a.

Our focus is on providing quality water and an excellent customer experience today, as we prepare for the water needs of future generations.

Providing Quality Water Services for a Sustainable Future